American Indian Assistance Fund

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

American Indian Assistance Fund - To Support Student Internships


This fund provides monies to pay a stipend/salary to support student internships.  Students are responsible to identify an appropriate internship placement site where they can learn or further develop expertise useful to Native American communities and peoples.  For assistance with this process, consult with your faculty, staff at Native American Student Affairs (NASA), staff at American Indian Studies.


American Indian undergraduate and graduate students.

First priority for funding will go to recognized members of the Lakota Oglala; followed by American Indian students who are members of the Lakota/Great Sioux Nation; followed by other American Indian students. 

Student must have the following minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) to qualify:

  • 3.0 GPA for new entering freshmen
  • 2.5 GPA for undergraduates
  • For graduate and professional students, the minimum cumulative GPA required by their College or School (e.g. 3.0 GPA for degree programs under the Graduate College, 2.0 for the Law College).

Applicants Must Submit:

  • Completed American Indian Assistance Fund Application Form;
  • Personal statement identifying the internship placement site; and discussing (a) the potential value of the internship service to Native peoples and/or communities, and (b) the educational value of the internship experience to the student;
  • Letter of support from the prospective supervisor at the internship site verifying the lack of funds to pay the intern, and describing the internship assignment and willingness to work with the student intern;
  • Verification of tribal membership (e.g. copy of Certificate of Indian Blood, tribal enrollment card, or letter of verification from a tribal official) or statement of relationship to/descent from a Native community.
